What Kind of Thing is This Thing of Kinds?
Naming sticks.
Games and charms are the first things, where all of us start, but we turn
them into tools, which become the Last Things, the means of our end, either
to open up or seal off knowledge. We need help to do what life asks of us.
From the beginning we're asked to name what we can't name. We must constitute
things that we do not know what they are, desperately separating and
associating, which is the point.
To sort things out, to make sense of life, we need tools. Sorting Things
Out extends our powers, just as a stick extends bone and muscle. We pivot
our bodies into the world by the power of the imagination. Neither hammer
forcing outside inside, nor saw revealing inside outside, we're the crowbar
exchanging outside for inside and vice versa. In the same way, classifying
opens up and closes down, breaking boundaries and drawing them.
~ Both/And ~