journey in word, journaling journeys, jour, jours, jarring the world, jamming the word, reaching you, arching back, madness in the word, maddenning the word, mad of the word, wording the madness, reaching the world, journeying the word . . .

60° west/north   |   0° south/west
270° east/south   |   150° north = home

lost in the wind, loosing the wind, journey, journey, always journey, journeying journeys, journeys of coming, journeys of going, coming of journeys, goings of journeys, journeys, journeys, journeys of time, journeys of space, journeys of losts, journeys of finds, journeys of losses, journeys of gains, journeys of pain, journeys of joy . . .

60° west/north   |   0° south/west
270° east/south   |   150° north = home

journey in the wake, journey in dreams, dreaming awake, awakening dreams, dreaming a dream of walking, dreaming the dream when walking, slowly, slowing, steady, slower, slow, silence . . .

60° west/north   |   0° south/west
270° east/south   |   150° north = home

. . .

60° west/north   |   60° west/north
270° east/south   |   150° north = home