The New River

Journal of Electronic Literature and Digital Art

The New River‘s archives date back to 1996, amidst the early days of hypertext and the World Wide Web. These issues can be found in The NEXT, an archival and preservation project funded by the Electronic Literature Organization. Within The NEXT, outmoded works and defunct Adobe Flash pieces are once again operational on the web. Please explore the The New River Collection in The NEXT. We thank Dene Grigar and the Electronic Literature Lab team in this effort. We also thank Colin Richard Robinson at the Center for Digital Narrative and the University of Bergen for helping us in restoring the archives.


Our issues from Spring 2019 and earlier will simultaneously remain visible on their original server. This method preserves the shifting aesthetics and layouts of The New River over time, and it keeps the works alongside their accompanying editorial notes. Contrastingly, please be aware that many of the works on this original server are nonfunctional due to digital decay and changing technologies over time.







Issues Prior to 2006


Original server archives:

The New River